Discussing Your Baby’s Sleep Schedule with Daycare
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Discussing Your Baby’s Sleep Schedule with Daycare

Sending your baby to daycare can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. One of the key concerns for parents is ensuring that their little one’s sleep needs are met even when they’re away from home. Open communication with the daycare staff is essential to create a smooth transition and maintain a consistent sleep routine. When I…

Newborn Survival Guide

Newborn Survival Guide

You’ve done it! All of the waiting and planning and dreaming and name veto-ing is over and you are now home with your newborn. Now what?? Here’s a few tips and ideas from one mother to another that can be your go to newborn survival guide.

I remember that feeling. As a mom of 4 I’ve brought a newborn home, well, 4 times. Each time there is a mixed bag of emotions. Overwhelmed and exhausted are probably the top 2 that I experienced the most vividly. I distinctly remember walking out of the hospital with my first daughter and looking at my husband saying “I can’t believe they’re just letting us take this baby home! We have no idea what we’re doing, how are we going to survive this newborn!”

Do I Need to Sleep Train?

Do I Need to Sleep Train?

When you bring home a newborn the first question people ask is “are you getting any sleep?” and the answer is probably “what do you think?” as you stare at them with bags under your eyes. It’s the newborn phase they said, it’ll pass they said. Well now your baby is 6 months, 8 months,…

Surviving a 4 Old Month Sleep Regression

Surviving a 4 Old Month Sleep Regression

I think I probably get the most questions about the 4-month sleep regression. Around 14-20 weeks there is so much growth and development in your baby that it’s no wonder sleep goes out the window. Making it through the 4-month sleep regression is top of mind for all parents and as a baby sleep coach, I make it a priority to equip parents with the skills and knowledge to know what to expect and how to get through it as unscathed as possible. 

How to stop cosleeping

How to stop cosleeping

I always ask my cosleeping families if their current situation is working for every member of the family. The answer is almost always no. If it’s no longer working to share your bed with your little one it’s time to make a change.

So how do you stop cosleeping?  How do you get your little one to feel comfortable in their own sleep space? Here are a few tips for making the transition from cosleeping to independent sleep as smooth as possible.