Early Morning Wakings

Early Morning Wakings

No parent wants to start their day before 6 am and so if your toddler is popping into your room before the sun comes up you may just be ready to throw in the towel. Early morning wakings are unfortunately a fairly common problem. Fortunately,

 I have a few tips on how to combat these early morning wakings and cut down on the number of hours we all spend awake. 

Some kids are just early risers. If you or your spouse naturally tend to wake up early then odds are there is a biological component to your child’s early mornings. It doesn’t mean you have to suffer but it does mean you may need to adjust your expectations a bit and embrace an earlier start to the day.

Where Should My Newborn Sleep?

Where Should My Newborn Sleep?

You have been carrying this little person around with you for 9 months but now they’re out and a totally separate person! Where should my newborn sleep? What should my newborn wear? Why is my newborn crying? How often should my newborn eat? 

So many questions hit hard and fast for new parents and this little person that just added a plus one. Sleeping and eating are probably the top two topics of concern for new parents. As a new and very overwhelmed mom, I just wanted someone to help me make some of these decisions.

Nap Transitions: How and When to Drop a Nap

Nap Transitions: How and When to Drop a Nap

Naps are in constant flux, depending on your little one’s age, developmental leaps, sleep environment, and day-to-day. However, that doesn’t mean they can’t sleep well. When my kids were little dropping a nap was always kind of bittersweet. Sometimes fewer naps meant more freedom during the day to go out and about. Sometimes it just meant I was entertaining them for more hours during the day.

Tips for Traveling with Babies and Toddlers

Tips for Traveling with Babies and Toddlers

Travel is a fun and essential part of our family dynamic. But after having kids travel suddenly becomes a bit more complicated! Here are some tips and tricks for traveling with babies and toddlers and we will discuss how to get enough sleep on your vacation. I realize that the term vacation seems like an oxymoron when traveling with kids but some of our family’s best memories were made while traveling. 

The 6-Month Sleep Regression

The 6-Month Sleep Regression

After having a baby you’ll hear the word “regression” a lot. We all want to explain and solve any potential sleep problems. If your baby had been sleeping well and suddenly is waking up at night or demanding a feed we use the word “regression” to describe this (hopefully) temporary setback. A 6 months old your baby’s world and skills are exploding so it’s entirely possible that sleep may take a hit.

Best Sleep Sacks for Toddlers

Best Sleep Sacks for Toddlers

Your little baby is looking more and talking more like a little toddler these days and you may be in the exciting new phase of trying new foods, learning new words, climbing new things and thinking about upgrading the bedtime routine to match their busy little bodies. As you’re enjoying all of these changes you probably have some questions.